About Simon Hart

Simon Hart was first elected in 2010. 

He served in various parliamentary and governmental positions. He held the government to account through his cross-party work on Select Committees and All-Party Parliamentary Groups, such as the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Select Committee, Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee, and the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Rural Business.

Simon campaigned on a range of issues such as:

  • Rural affairs and the countryside: As a former chief executive of the Countryside Alliance, Simon has a strong interest in and understanding of rural issues, including rural business, farming, and rural services.
  • Food and agriculture: Simon has a keen interest in issues related to food and agriculture, including food waste, food security, and the promotion of British food and farming products.
  • Environment and wildlife: Simon has expressed a commitment to protecting the environment and wildlife, and has campaigned on issues such as plastic waste, wildlife conservation, and environmental sustainability.
  • Health and social care: Issues related to health and social care, including the provision of health services in rural areas, the funding of social care, and the support of carers.

Simon served in a number of governmental positions, including Parliamentary Secretary for the Cabinet Office and Secretary of State for Wales and most recently as Chief Whip of the House of Commons and Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasury.

Prior to being elected, Simon was Chief Executive of the Countryside Alliance, Europe's largest rural affairs lobby group, for seven years. He took over as its Chairman in September 2015. He previously worked as a chartered surveyor in Carmarthen and Haverfordwest and served with the Territorial Army for seven years.

He lives near Narberth with his wife and two children.